
Heritage: Beyond Walls – seconda edizione

Heritage: Beyond Walls è un progetto ideato e promosso dalla Fondazione Santagata per l’Economia della Cultura, con la collaborazione di più istituzioni culturali e agenzie internazionali. I principali partners per la II edizione sono: Centro Conservazione e Restauro “La Venaria Reale”, Museo Egizio, Cittadellarte Fondazione Pistoletto, RO.ME Museum Exhibition, ICCROM, Phoenician’s route-Cultural route of the Council of Europe, Centre for Emergency Response of the Prince Claus Fund, EBLA Fund.
In collaborazione con: «A&RT» eCoRes.


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Heritage: Beyond Walls  is an online capacity-building program launched in February 2021 by Fondazione Santagata for the Economics of Culture, aiming at establishing an information channel for Syrian university students in cultural heritage related disciplines.
The main goal of the program is to contribute in improving access to knowledge resources, breaking isolation, encouraging sharing and discussion, and empowering awareness and capacities towards cultural heritage as a resource for recovery, peace building and development.
The second edition of the program has been addressed to people coming from Syria, a country affected by emergencies, and where there is a high risk of loss of cultural heritage, where people and students in particular, face restricted possibilities in accessing knowledge and education resources on specific topics related to cultural heritage. The limited access to knowledge is negatively impacting not only on the present, but also on the future of the country. It weakens the local human capital and its capacity and readiness to promptly and effectively act for recovery, also by means of a wise use of the country’s cultural heritage potential.


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Alessio Re
Heritage: Beyond Walls 2022
Heritage: Beyond Walls 2022


Antoine G. Makdis
Laboratorio artistico Samowar
Samowar Artistic Workspace

The paper illustrates the Samowar Artistic Workspace project, which aims to give a new space to young artist in Aleppo. In this space, young creators could meet, talk, learn and discover other cultures. It presents itself as a cultural accelerator for Aleppian young artists with no tools or experience, with the medium objective of promote and publish their work on the online Samowar platform.
The article analyses all the premises that the Samowar ambitious project needs, and all the challenges that it has to face in order to recover from the effects of war through production. It presents the project background, which is from Syrian history and heritage, to be recovered and introduced to young people.


Maria Al-Saleh
Al-Aghbani. Artigianato e ricamo di Damasco
Al-Aghbani. Damask Embroidery Art and Craft

This paper is a proposal to preserve the handicrafts associated with the art of embroidery, the first of which is the Aghabani, by reviving and protecting them. The primary function is an eco-friendly approach and spreading awareness of these crafts by practicing them inside workshops in front of visitors. Among them are centres of tangible and intangible culture.
The heritage associated with the art of embroidery provides a source of livelihood for the bearers of the element and practitioners, by rehabilitating technical art schools and settling these handicrafts within business incubators dedicated to providing what is suitable for them in the labour market for that.


Hebatollah Alhamid, Haneen Khalil
Mosaico e Ajami, arti viventi dall’artigianato siriano. Bait Al-Almjlled come caso studio
Mosaic and Ajami, as living arts from Syrian Crafts, Bait Al-Almjlled as case study

The paper presents a project that aims to revive two main historical crafts in Syria by reorganizing their factory process in a special old historical house in Old Damascus. The choice of the location was done based on the historical value and its richness with the chosen Traditional crafts.
It has been noticed recently that there is a considerable lack of research on the subject of intangible heritage in Syria in general. In this research, our aim is to shed light on the most important elements of Ajami’s and Mosaic arts in Damascus. Another part of the study focuses on increasing the social value of the chosen crafts by relocating the crafts in Bait Al-Almjlled.


Victoria Kassar
Le “città dimenticate”. Un prezioso patrimonio siriano da proteggere
The “Forgotten Cities”. A Valuable Syrian Heritage to Protect

Syria played an incomparable role in the history of humankind. It is often described as the Cradle of Civilizations, since many of the greatest human achievements that later spread to encompass the world had their beginnings in Ancient Syria. Being a home for the three monotheistic religions, Syria has shaped an extraordinary example of a multicultural and multireligious melting pot, where people, temples, shrines, traditions and rituals are mixed as mosaic piece of art.
This paper aims to propose a possible way to utilize the rich Syrian cultural heritage as a tool for a sustainable development and a positive change in the lives of not only local people in Syria, but also the Syrian research and scientific community that has been suffering of isolation and lack of access to all types of knowledge and technology since the last war has started.
